movin OUT… mi ultimo adios


I guess this is my farewell to WORDPRESS… I’m movin in to my new blog home:

Yep. I know I’ll miss this one but hey, just like what I said in my first blog here, there’s always room for new beginnings.

So I hope to see you guys again soon! Please do visit me to my new home ok?!

Ciao for now folks!



Fragile Mind



actors behind POTTER…

We’ve seen a lot from the main actors and actresses in the Potter movie series… Now let’s take a peek on the others who made the characters come to life.

Alan “Snape” Rickman


I never thought that Snape could actually look this good. Yep it’s him. The man behind the all black wardrobe.

Maggie “McGonagall” Smith

 Maggie Smith

Look at that beauty. Oh I lover her even if she looks like that now.

Jason “Lucius Malfoy” Isaacs 

 Jason Isaacs

The “Hook” meets the Malfoy Sr.

Robbie “Hagrid” Coltrane


Hagrid with and with out the beard. Which is better?

Michael “Albus Dumbledore” Gambon

Michael Gambon 

Though I really miss the original Dumbledore, he’s doing well with his job and hey great duel scene! Bravo!

Ralph “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” Fiennes

Mr. Good lookin villain huh?! Don’t stare, might fall under his spell.

Gary “Serius Black” Oldman


Now this guy almost made me cry! Job well done Mr. Oldman.

in comemoration of Sirius’ death…

shedding up the Beckhams?

Posh spice plus soccer (football) superstar equals HOT couple… What if you see what’s beyond the bedroom? Their hot pics that recently came out on W Magazine August issue are now all over the showbiz news. Why not? I mean they both got it. Just look!!!

Oh I love how Victoria looks here… Jeez men, even gay guys would fall for her…


coming OUTta bed?


look at those bums!


that’s why girls fall for athletic guys…


Hot isn’t it… They’re like this behind the mic and the “ball”. Is it their fault if they had lots of God’s blessings? Next time, have a big pail to catch some of the beauty…

after seeing the POTTER movie…

For the past four movies I haven’t really got to read the books. This time I’ve read it first before seeing the movie. I’ve heared comments from the past movies that three hours is barely enough to have all the exciting scenes packed in. Now, I’ve proven it. Though Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was really good. It’s awsome still. It’s just that there’s a lot more to see not shown… Oh well…

About the movie itself, it was really, really good! The best part for me was the heart pounding duel scene of Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort. It was really intense! But the tear jerker scene for me was when Serius Black got killed in front of Harry by Bellatrix Lestrange. I like the actress who portrayed the role. That scene made me think like how hard could have Harry felt at that moment when his very last family member got killed in front of him. Dan (Radcliffe) was really good on that scene.

say HI!

kissin’ under the mistle toe

All I can say now is that despite of the proven rumors bout the movie version of J.K. Rowling’s novel, I’m still a big fan! A big big fan! To you guys behind the movie, you did a really great job! I didn’t get the chance to watch it on the first showing day but hey, I can still that it’s worth waiting for! Kudos to you all! To all the fanatics out there, keep on coming! Ciao!

the Dirty Harry…

I said BOY no more! Coz he’s a man now… Well, can’t believe how time flew just like that. I guess this is beyond magic now as Dan’s dream to be an actor isn’t a dream anymore. After the hit success of the Potter films he did, he became very much in demand now in the biz. Again here he is, Mr. Daniel “boy no more” Radcliffe.



pix from :

Queer JAI and Innovator JAY

Both are definitely queer and stunning. Good looks and heck of talents on their shoulders. At first glance I was like, are they brothers? I thought both of ’em are Latinos but nope. Though they’re both half Italians (Jai is half-Puerto Rican and Jay Manuel is half-African)

Jai Rodriguez

no dudes they’re not a boy band…

they’re the FAB 5

An actor, singer, and now a host, Jai Rodriguez is one of the FAB 5 of Queer Eye known as the culture vulture. Dude, you need to learn a thing or two from this Queer guy. Trust me, it would be of good use.

dragged OUT

This pretty guy doesn’t need any sort of intro. Ya’ll know the Mr. Style Innovator! I dunno but I had this crazy thought that Mr. Jay and Jai Rodriguez actually look alike. Agree or disagree it’s just my opinion. Though I think Mr. Jay is a bit more buff. Or is it because he’s the one who always flaunt his assets… Hmmm… Just thinking.


final glimpse before the BIG “POTTER” day!

Tomorrow’s gonna be the day. The BIG day that is for Harry Potter fanatics out there! Holla! I posted before bout the grown up stars of the Harry Potter movie series. Let me share you some more of their pics plus some bits and tid bits bout them. Emma Watson would be a great start ‘coz this girl received a lot of viewing share in my blog. So here she is the Hermoine Granger a.k.a. Emma Watson…

emma watson

Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Watson was born in Paris, France with English lawyers as her parents. The Harry Potter film was the main reason of all the fame she’s enjoying right now. There were rumors that she refused to sign up for the last two movies of the series but not to worry you guys because she already confirmed that she won’t do such a thing and she can’t let Hermione go just like that. She’s her hero.

Rupert Grint a.k.a. Ronald Weasley

Rupert Grint

Rupert Grint

Rupert Grint

From that Sorting Hat ceremony at Hogwarts, I knew he’s gonna be the funny but sensitive guy. Rupert did a great job portraying the role of the youngest Weasley boy. I just can’t wait to see him as the Gryffindor’s new Quidditch team captain. Yikes! Weasley is our king! Hehehe! Like Emma, he had a very limited experience in acting (some minor roles in school plays and local theater group). But hey, look at him now. Just look at what luck can bring…

Daniel Radcliffe a.k.a. “bet you know who” Harry Potter 

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Dan Equus

Dan here is as we all know the big star in the movie. At the young age of 5, he expressed that he’s for acting. Born to perform that is. He had the role as the young David Copperfield in the televised version of the novel. His first film was The Tailor of Panama in a support role with no less than Pierce Brosnan. And the auditions for the covoted role as Harry Potter from J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter book series came and as they say, the rest was history. Then eventually the boy did mature and well, the play Equus proved it. The play, where he portrayed the role of a stable boy with obsession to horses, as controversial as it is, did receive positive reviews because of his depth in acting. Controversial because he had a nude scene there. Yeap, he’s a man now…


are you an Aguilera or Spears FAN?

It was a battle of the blondes in the MUSIC industry between Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Both are incredibly huge among the youth and young at heart music lovers. They got the voice and moves to match. They were idolized all over the world and can still wow the crowd with their undeniable presence. Despite of the controveries that they’ve been through, they still receive an awsome support from their fans. The big question is, who’s fan are you?

Are you a Britney fanatic?


britney & madonna

the famous Britney & Madonna “lip-lock”

From the sexified school uniform outfit to the H-O-T costumes she had on Toxic video, who could resist this pop diva who was once a member of the New Mickey Mouse Club. A Pop Icon that she is, this lady had been through a lot of issues. Her kiss with Madonna in a concert or something made waves over the news all over the world, why won’t it right? The image of being one of the “role model” rapidly went away since those things started to pop out into her career that I think she’s fully aware of. Jeez… One hell of an idol huh?! By the way, just a personal opinion, I think Paris Hilton sounded better than her. She’s better off as a dancer just like her ex husband. You know what, minus all those negative things about her, I love the fact that she’s hot and pretty.


Or are you the dirty Christina “going back to basics” Aguilera?

Breathless- Christina Aguliera

Lady Marmalade

lady marmalade diva

Christina Aguliera

gone dirty

Christina Aguilera Candyman Single

as a classic pin up girl

Since her video with Mya, Lil’ Kim, and Pink, “Lady Marmalade”, I’ve been watching out for her. She’s Hottah than Hot! I love the way she change her image through the years of her career. Way much powerful voice than Ms. Spears. She can dance well if not better. She’s also, in a way, promoting girl power. One best example was her song “Can’t Hold Us Down” with Lil’ Kim. Love that song. But the best song for me that she had since the Lady Marmalade, is the song “Fighter”. Oooh I love the video because I get to see her in three or four different wild looks. I love her extreme looks there. Duh! Fashion addict here?! Now, from the dirty image she’s now definitely going back to basics, which I think was a reakky good move for her because again we get to hear a fresher yet more matured music from her. Anyways, vocally and move wise, I think she’s better. I don’t want to be bias but hey I’m just stating my opinion. 


Why I’d like to be a TIM YAP…

If there’s one person that I could think of right now that I can say, “Hey! I wanna be just like him”, that’s definitely this guy. He’s a successful businessman, fashionista, cultured, stylish, rich (DUH!), goodlooking (DUH 2x), and fun loving. Just look what he did out of being nationalistic. Because he’s so proud to be PINOY, he did this limited edition watch designed by him (I guess). He does what he loves the most and that’s all that matters. I just wish that whatever career that I maybe into in the future, I’ll rock on it and be on top. Yeah I still fancy to be an architect in the near future but hey, it won’t hurt if I’ll do some of the things that I love.


…the TIM YAP look…

…the TIM YAP look…

ANTM Winners… the aftermath II

Nicole Linkletter

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Honestly, she looked like a school girl for me before… Now look at this woman that she is…

Daniel “Dani” Evans

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Miss Gap queen is now miss Gorgeous

Caridee English

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the personality is simply amazing

Jaslene Gonzalez

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Latina Spice spells J.A.S.L.E.N.E.


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