Archive for June 28, 2007


The music industry in the Philippines is slowly but surely ascends from the ashes. One of the main reasons, our very own Pinoy Bands. Hitting the local charts almost everyday now beating up the big foreign ones. Perhaps, us Filipinos are beginning to patronize our own. These guys are my faves… Check ’em out will ya?! ROCK on!



They captivated the mass with their unique music. Unique in a good way huh! Something subtle, sometimes playful, sometimes it’s their own art music. And oh! The lead vocalist, Champ Lui Pio, sure is popular with the ladies because of that charming face. Naks! They’re simply amazing. I love their song “Waltz” and “Tollgate”. Nice music videos too.



This guys know the word fame. Idolized among asian countries after 14 years of hardwork. They really are institutions now. Unfortunately, the lead vocalist Rico Blanco recently announced that he’s resigning from the band I think to persue a solo career. Though Rivermaya won’t be disbanded as a result. Their songs “214” and “You’ll be Safe Here” are awsome!

Parokya ni Edgar

parokya ni edgar

The funniest Pinoy band I know. Though their songs can be serious at times but they’re good at being silly. They made hits after hits and people just can’t get enough of them. Formed the same year as the Rivermaya in 1993. They may not look like the “rich” type but hey, they’re Atenistas. Their music evolved and matured over the years and they can be notorious on making you laugh. Chito Miranda, lead vocalist is the band’s bearer of silly moves.



The band is pretty much new but they already made waves on local hit charts. F**k! I think they’re really, really awsome! I’m sure that this band would be legendary in the future. I just love their music (period). Nice vocals too by Kean Cipriano. These guys ROCK for me!!!


6cyclemind koh...,.

At first I’m not that crazy bout this band. But then time passed by and I started to notice their songs and vocals too. Their latest song “Upside Down” which is a remake really made it well. They got a lot of product endorsements too!


with bamboo

I don’t care if the lead vocalist looks like Senator Chiz Escudero, this band ROCKS! I believe they’re one of the total performers. As in energy overflows when they perform. I love their latest song “Tatsulok”. Pretty controversial but it is awsome! These guys wanna make you proud of being Pinoy!