Archive for June 27, 2007

best GENES there is…

I’m not so sure if the world has the balance of people who got the good genes with those who don’t. Hmmm… I just wanna make a list of some of the gifted ones. I’m not in the mood to have them ranked so I’m leaving you the job.

Now here’s my list…

Enrique Iglesias

enrique iglesias

I’ve posted about him before. He’s the son of Julio Iglesias Jr. and supermodel Isabel Preysler. A hot Latino singer for a father and a Filipina mestiza supermodel mom… Jeez, what more can you ask for. Who won’t fall for this pop Latino singer who’s charms magnetized the ladies.

Adriana Francesca Lima

Adriana Lima

An exotic mix of ethnicity she is. Lima is part African, Indian, and Swiss. Now, she’s entitled as the “Most Voluptuous Virgin”. She’s such a face of innocence with the naughty side. Killer body, face to die for; her most deadliest ammo. Trully she’s a diva on the runway.

Jude Law

Jude Law

This Hollywood hunk has the appeal that can provoke a woman’s desire. I love his movie “A.I” as Joe and “Enemy at the Gates”. He’s one hell of a kisser too, having nominated in the Best Kiss category in the MTV Movie Awards with Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow (in different movies ok).

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

A Cuban American for a father and Native American, English, German for a mother. Her fatal weapons of choice, alienesque blue eyes and drop dead gorgeous body. She also have an ass kicking personality so watch out.

Ewan McGregor

Ewan McGregor

Charm and good physique of this Scottish hunk is given. But his voice is very captivating. Starred in “Moulin Rouge” opposite Nicole Kidman and “Big Fish” as the Young Edward Bloom. Not to mention his performance in Star Wars series as Obi Wan Kenobi. This guy can really act!

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore

Classic American beauty, that’s what see of her. Born in a clan of American actors. Her beauty and personality are something to die for. She’s like the girl you would want to introduce to your parents. Oh I like her “EverAfter” movie and “Charlie’s Angels” too!


CANADA’s Next Top Model


The show created by Miss Banks America’s Next Top Model is a really big success now that it branched out to different countries across the globe. Canada’s lucky enough to have their version of it and it looks very promising to me. Jay Manuel is the host and doing just fine (by the way, I just found out that he’s Canadian… ok that makes sense why he’s hosting this one). They also have Nole Marin takin over Jay’s job in ANTM as the stylist and as the photo shoot director. I just saw the first episode of the second season and I was like hey, not bad at all for a beginning. Well I just hope that the next season of the Philippines Next Top Model (if there would be any) would be a lot better. I have my faves now hehe! I like Tara and Rebecca… Lookin forward on seeing the next episodes! Ciao!


the CAST of Canada’s Next Top Model cycle 2

CNTM Ep4 Photos CNTM Ep4 Photos