Archive for June 24, 2007

little Miss Sunshine…

I just saw this movie and I never thought that a whole bunch of story could circulate within a family for such a small time. I guess it was a day or two. All I can say bout this one is, what a freaky family! But at the same time it was so insanely real.

little miss sunshine

…no body gets left behind…

Such a series of not so fortunate events may be too much to handle for some other families. A drug addict and perverted grandpa died on the way to the “pageant”; parents who are almost divorced just can’t stop yelling at each other; a gay uncle who had attempted for a suicide coincidentally came across the man whom he did it for; and a brother just waiting to burst out finally let it all out. For any other seven year old kid, this family could make him/her insane & traumatized. It was quite amazing that in the end, they all got the mood to smile and be happy despite of everything.

little miss sunshine

Now this movie thought me a thing or two. One, even a family as hopeless as this one can find happiness in the most bizzare time nobody would expect. Two, kids beauty pageant could be so ridiculous and a bit too weird for me. I saw this young girls and dressed like they’re 15 years older. Kids are supposed to be kids! Come on now! And oh! Another one, be sure to have your car all set for a long drive because you might end up just like this one that they have to push the bus everytime they have to stop and go again.

little miss sunshine

Olive (the kid Hoover) was the only one who actually looks like a kid. I thought that the judges would see an eye opener there that hey, they’re just kids. But when the talent show came up and it’s Olive’s turn, I was a bit shocked. Grandpa must be proud of her. Nasty old grandpa thought her some dance moves for her talent. Guess what, the kid did a strip tease. Not all the way of course! Then one of the judge stood up to get the kid off the stage but what happened was a family dance number. And then the whole thing ended up with a policeman and all though no one got arrested. Just like what I said, they went home smiling. Crazy huh?! But it was such a cool movie and I love it!

Little Miss SunshineLittle Miss SunshineLittle Miss Sunshine