Archive for June 13, 2007

What Went Wrong?

Paris got drunk, Britney got bald, and Lindsay made friends with the knife… What the hell is going on?

paris hilton Britney ~!!! Lindsay Lohan

Probably, the whole wide world already know now about Paris behind the bars. Good for you if you won’t be caught for violating a simple law. But if you’re caught, no matter how simple that law is, no one’s an exemption. Even an heiress like Paris won’t be above the law. I remember watching a local shobiz talk show, one of the hosts (which was very frank about the issue… and very gay) said that if Hilton won’t be jailed, how the heck will she learn from this? Now, he’s more than happy when Hilton’s back to jail after “faking” her ill condition inside the cell. Lesson learned? Let’s just see after 40 something days. Sure thing you love parties, just be responsible for all you’re actions. Right Paris?

Paris hilton back to jail paris to jail 

Now to Britney. This is a little earlier than Paris’ issue. Spears was this very huge pop princess that practically made it big not just in America but to the rest of the world as well. Suddenly she got married with her back up dancer and aspiring rap artist K. Federline. Gave birth to her two kids then one thing led to the other then poof!? She was lost and got divorced. Then she entered a drug rehabilitation facility in Atigua that didn’t last for more than a day. The next day, she got herself all bald up and another POOF! She’s all over the prints and news worldwide. Then back with the rehab again til she completed the program (I guess). Now, she’s trying to be as active as before. Good for her for standing up again.

 britney britney

Last but definitely not the least, Lindsay Lohan. Personally I love this girl. She’s pretty and all and so lovable. I think she’s just a little troubled sometimes just like anybody else. Lindsay just happened to be so famous, that’s why every move that she do is being watched. Same with Paris & Britney and other famous people. Again, she was another rehab. She also had issues about her eating disorder and stuff. The current issue bout her is her very provocative pictures with Vanessa Minillo (who have a Filipina blood… just saying) holding a knife and all… Girls can really get wild just like the boys. Just remember what mama said ok?! Don’t run with scissors, much more with a knife!

Lindsay Lohan

risqué knife pictures cost minnillo her job

risqué knife pictures cost minnillo her job

I say they’re just drunk and just playin around. Could have been nice fashion editorial shots though. Again, I’m just saying.