Archive for June 8, 2007

Mr. Jay’s new TITLE…

He really is “the Style Innovator”. Jay Manuel now have his own show called “Style Her Famous”. The show features some fab makeovers for the ladies who wants to have the look of famous celebrities. Just this morning I watched the episode where the celebrity look targeted is Angelina Jolie’s. Then I checked out the website of the show ( and it says there that the already had about 200 something episodes. Oh well, what do I expect. Anyway, the show really did a great job on the guest lady. So I say good luck on this show and keep it up!

Style Her Famous

Jay Manuel

elyse SEWELL

One of my favorite ANTM contestant of all time! These are some of Elyse’s photos as a professional model. Unlike some post ANTM girls, she did have a LIFE after the reality show…

Yes guys, you’re lookin at her. This shot was when she visited the Philippines (more or less an accident trip). It’s just that why on so many beautiful places here in the Philippines did she posed in front of that…that…whatever! 

It’s ms. Elyse’s half eaten deep fried hardboiled egg (quek quek). Promise it’s her hand holding the egg! I swear! Hehe!

The pictures above are from her own weblog on Live journal :

If you would like to see more of her, please check on it. Ciao peepz!