Archive for June 1, 2007

Ms. Photogenic may do…

At first I refuse to have this topic on my blog just for the reason that our candidate didn’t made it to the top 15. Am talking about the recently concluded Ms. Universe Pageant last May 29. To start with I didn’t like the channel where it was shown here (no offense ABS) and I was like forced to watch the show before the actual pageant. Ok moving on, then the coronation day began with the usual introduction of each candidates and then the contestants’ production number. Finally the announcement of the 15 finalists came. Every year I always do my cross finger thingy (didn’t help a lot thank you), and excited to hear Ms. Philippines to be called. The candidates that usually make it to the top 15 are Ms. India, Venezuela, etc. Asian beauties are also in (Ms. Korea & Ms. Japan)… And all of a sudden they called up the last one. Unfortunately, it was not Ms. Philippines so what I did is that I shut the TV and went to my room to check my blog. It was later that day that someone told me Ms. Philippines won the Ms. Photogenic title. Then I was like ok…good for her… Then I asked who won Ms. U and she said its Ms. Japan. I thought that it wasn’t a bad choice from the judges because I saw her and she’s pretty and all. The rest of the day I was a bit bitter about it. Filipinos are like into their televisions just to see their candidate to make it then the unfortunate thing happen. I don’t know the reason why Filipinos are so much into beauty pageants but what ever that is you bet they are all hooked to it. Oh well, congratulations to Ms. Japan. Another Asian got the title!

miss philippines 2007 Miss Universe 2007

Ms. Philippines & Miss Universe 2007, Ms. Japan


TOP 5 cutest Puppies…

I have here my top 5 cutest puppies. I totally love dogs, ironically I don’t have one as of now. Mom doesn’t want any because first, she’s asthmatic and second, they’ll gonna mess up the house. But I would love to keep some in the future! Hehehe! So here it goes::


Alaskan Malamute

Top 4



Top 3

English Cocker Spaniel

English Spaniel

Top 2





Who can resist this wrinkled forheaded puppy? Those wrnikles makes me adore it more.