Archive for May 30, 2007

put that HANDbag down…

I read a local tabloid yesterday and I don’t know if I’ll be surprised or annoyed with this article. Will you believe that the show “Teletubbies” which is for infants, promotes homosexuality? Who’s the suspect you may ask. The purple and the tallest one, Tinky Winky. They  accused the poor creature in a discreet promotion of an alternative way of living just because it carries a red handbag with it.

Teletubbies is a kiddie show that primarily shows 4 cuddly and cheerful characters in their own fantasy world. They are Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, & the cutest one, Po. Named teletubbies because of their television like tummies where they watch their friends from our world. Complete with antenas on their heads too. Litterally, they are kids playing around in their big playground and enjoying a simple life.

My big question for this people is: for whom is the show created for in the first place? Of course it’s for kids, for infants! What the hell do they know of homosexuality? Or are they the ones who have a certain descrimination of the gay community and being too descreet about it? And how can they tell that the purplish creature is even a boy? Come on now… Leave the freakin kids’ show alone… People, there are a lot of things that badly needs our attention. Poverty, pollution, corruption, homeless people, etc,.

sexiest Blondes…

I saw the show SEXIEST on ETC yesterday and it featured the sexiest celebrity blondes… They have their top 25 list but I’ll show you my top 5 blondes… Starting with: *drum roll please*


at No. 5… Gwen Stefani… I love her sense of style and her platinum blonde hair… Janice Dickenson said that she’s the epitome of style… As the lead vocalist of the band “No Doubt”, she’ll definitely make you watch and listen…

at No. 4… Cameron Diaz… This blonde knows how to have fun. She starred as a very hot and clever angel in “Charlie’s Angels” and a girl falling head over hills with a guy in “Sweetest Thing”. She has this very athletic physique to die for and a pair of striking blue eyes. Diaz is a dream blonde for me…   

at No. 3… Caridee English… I know she’s quite new in the spotlight but hey! Hot body plus sense of humor sums up very sexy to me… I love girls with very great sense of humor, and I find it sexy.

at No.2… Brad Pitt… Ultimate Hollywood hunk. It won’t be surprising if there are girls out there who would faint at the very sight of this sexy actor. Pitt starred in so many box office hit movies like “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”, “Ocean’s Thirteen & Twelve”, and “Troy” (exposing his butt)…

NO 1… Heidi Klum… Sexiest Blonde to walk on the runway ever… Again, body of perfection, and a huge sense of humor… This sexy Victoria’s Secret Model hosts her own show Project Runway. Her personality is what I like of her the most. Plus, she knows how to yodel…hehehe!

So there it is… My top 5 celebrity Blondes… I’ll post some of my top 5 anything here so hope you’ll see it…
