Archive for May 27, 2007

REALITY shows…


I don’t know if reality is now synonymous with drama… I mean, whatever the show is about, I get to see people crying, cat fighting and stuff. And yet, we are very amused and intrigued at the same time watching them do all those. Does the word “real” still means the word itself. Let’s take the Amazing Race. The challenges are not like your ordinary everyday routine, but it shows how people would react on certain situations. They do all sort of strategies and stuff to win and in the process there might be things that they argue with. Another popular one is the Survivor… This one can really bring on hardcore drama, or maybe insanity. From the title itself, you have to survive. I’ve seen some seasons of it but I’m not that hooked into it. Duh?! Haven’t been trapped in an island before! But just incase it would ever happen (hope not), I guess I can learn a thing or two from it (kindda). Well, in some of my previous posts, it’s quite obvious that I love America’s Next Top Model. This show, even if you’re not a model wannabe, would teach you self esteem. When people think that modeling is all about striking a feirce pose, strutting on the runway, and talk the talk, it’s not. It takes what is inside first then pulling it out. See! I’m learning! HEhehe!

There’s another reality show that I really, really love. Not just because I’m into fashion and all that. It’s because I can relate on this one. I’m talking about Project Runway. This show features aspiring new fashion designers and their fresh talents. Project Runway is hosted by Tyra Banks’ former fellow Victoria’s Secret Model, Ms. Heidi Klum. Every week they give the designers a theme on the clothing that they gonna work on. Every week they will be judged on how they designed, their execution, and on how well they take in the challenge. Also every week there would be one to be eliminated.

In Architecture, we design structures and stuff and one of the major thing we do in designing is the conceptualizing and sketching. Same in fashion design. You have to be inspired to be able to deliver. And also on the show they have Tim Gunn, director of Parsons school of Fashion Design. And I see him like my own professors, walking around the work room just like in my design class, then he give the designers his very professional & honest critic on each contestant. His favorite line, “make it work!” Then in the judging, it’s more like delivering a thesis for me. You get to defend the thing you created and then each judge would ask you several questions and their own personal critic.

Now, the show is going on its 4th season and I’m hoping that it would be an exciting one. It would be fun to see new faces, new characters in the show.