Archive for May 23, 2007

Favorite ANTM Contestants…

We’ve all heared of the winners, now let’s look back on their rivals for the title… These are my own faves so…

In cycle 1, ultimate fave contestant: Ms. Elyse Sewell. This atheist (not that I am) wasn’t sure at all if she’s serious about modeling as her career back in her ANTM days. But once the competition started to heat up for her, she started to play the game competitively. For me, I like her beauty shot with the snake the best. Being the skinniest among the other girls in the house, the issue of a certain eating disorder popped out. I don’t think that she’s the kind of person that would love too much drama so, the eating disorder issue won’t hurt her at all. Recently I found her blog site and guess what, she visited the Philippines last February (if I’m not mistaken). Obviously she loves taking pictures of things new to her. The remarkable one was her picture of the egg sold in the street (quek quek). All i can say bout her…she’s a real person.


ms. elyse

(sorry guys, as what i’ve said, these are my fave girls only ok)

Cycle 2. No one else other than Ms. Shandi. The biggest transformation yet. Janice Dickenson said that she’s a perfection personified. She’s also known as the girl who cheated on her boyfriend with this French guy. Despite of what she’s done, she’s brave enough to admit it to her boyfriend and i suppose that made their relationship stronger. I was so touched on what her bf told her that he was mad at her at the moment but he won’t let her quit just because of what happened. Then I was like awww… hehehe! She finished in third place and that’s good enough.

Shandi Sullivan

to be continued…


It’s easy to say that it is awfully bad to descriminate people on the way they look, they dress, etc. But can you honestly tell people that you never ever had said something ill of others because they are different? One prominent kind of descrimination there is, RACIAL descrimination. I’m not in America but i know for a fact that a lot of terrible descrimination acts are happening not only there but almost everywhere else in the world. I watched Tyra show this morning and the episode was about how people think about other races as well as in their own in terms of physical appearance. As we all know about the history of the black people in America, living for them there was never easy. Even if there’s a lot of successful people in the black community, sad to say, racial descrimination still hits them hard on their faces. You? If you’re in a black person’s body and you’re being tagged as gorilla just because of the color of your skin and the shape of your nose, how would you feel? A caucasian woman have this very frizzy hair. She’s used to hearing some things like she looks very sloppy and her hair is very unkept. Then an asian woman is secretly joking on her and says that her hair looks like pubic hair. How harsh is that? Another asian woman had her hair dyed blonde. A black woman will say, “what the hell was she thinking?” Believe it or not, some races have descrimination within their own community. A black guy says that he’s a white guy trapped in a ugly black man’s body. He says being black is a curse. Given the chance to be white for a day with all this make up all over his body, his heart jumped out for joy. It’s sad but this is the awful truth. Therefore, we must put a huge dot to it and make it stop. Let’s just be more accepting to people instead of say things that could possibly hurt them. Maybe its because of our own insecurities that we say such terrible words. Perhaps it is better to look first in the mirror and see our own dirt before seeing others’.