Archive for May 22, 2007

“to manage the aesthetics” — Mr. Jay Manuel


If i’m not mistaken that’s his motto is or what that was mentioned when he guested on the Tyra Show. Well, he know’s what he’s saying. He had been with Tyra way way back and was there from the first to the latest season of ANTM. As the director for all the photoshoots of the girls, he’s more than excellent for the job. The contestants may be broken down with his harsh critisisms at times but he’s just doing his job. His trade mark is his “natural” silver or grey (originally black) hair that he had since the 2nd season i guess?! If Nigel is hot, so is he…Yep, some of the girls says that he’s prettier than they are and that’s hell of a shame to them. The first time he dressed up as a drag queen on ANTM was in cycle 8 were the girls were dressed up like dudes and the dudes gone drag. Was “she” pretty! oh boy! He’s almost like a Ricky Martin look a like don’t you think?

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