Archive for May 15, 2007

bon anniversaire à moi

aujourd’hui est mon 20ème anniversaire. Juste pour changer, je me suis accueilli dans le français. Hehehe!

(Today is my 20th birthday. Just for a change, I greeted myself in French. Hehehe!)

Je me suis réveillé ce matin un peu trop tôt que l’ordinaire. J’espère qu’il y a quelque chose pour être excité pour ce jour.

(I woke up this morning a bit too early than the usual. I hope there is something to be excited for this day.)

Hé! Occassions spéciaux comme cela méritent quelques surprises plaisantes!

(Hey! Special occassions like this deserve some pleasant surprises!)

Oh vraiment je me suis juste souvenu, aussi juste ce matin, je me suis promis que j’essaierai fidèlement de faire au début du matin excercises désormais. Pour commencer avec, j’avais mon premier ensemble de la poussée ups pour cette année.

(Oh yeah I just remembered, also just this morning, I promised myself that I’ll faithfully try to do early morning excercises from now on. To start with, I had my first set of push ups for this year.)

Souhaitez-moi la chance sur cela…

(Wish me luck on that…)

Ciao pour maintenant! À bientôt!

Ciao for now! See you later! (Hey! This is pretty educational… hmmm…)


LRT ride…

Everytime I go to school, I have to ride this train because if not you’ll see a haggard me after commuting. I actually have three rides going to UST then another two or three going back. Twice a day, I get to ride on this one. This morning I was actually looking for people with indelible ink on their finger. Too bad most of ’em have closed fists though I saw some who have. Looking at my sides, on my front and back I saw some familiar faces. Two of ’em were my school mates back in highschool. I’m not the type of person who would do  like:”hey! mustah nah!!!” To start with, we’re not close at all. Hehehe! One was my officer from my CAT days and one was a fellow artist in our school organ in highschool, “the Advocate”. By the way, I graduated high school in Juan Sumulong Mem. Jr. College back in 2004. I still keep my article contributions and drawings that was published (thankfully) in our school organ. Haaay! Those were the days.

Back to the story… So I take the LRT2 ride from Santolan Station to Legarda Station. When I had my first ride on it in my freshman days in UST, I said to myself that  I shouldn’t look like an idiot. So what I did is observe the people in front of the line then see what they do with that ticket vendo machine. Then as time progress I got more used to this. Til now there are a lot of first timers there and I was like: use your peanut idiot! hehehe! That would be very mean to say out loud so I’ll just keep it for myself…


Picture taken secretly in LRT…

Its not allowed actually…hehehe!

Summer classes…

Hate to admit it but i have summer classes. In other words, I have a back subject. This saying is true:”regret is always at the end”. The truth is, even before the last semester ended, i accepted the fact that I have to. Early morning yesterday, my mom and I went for some walkathon and later played badminton. On the way to this place where she (mom) usually do her rounds of walking, we had a little chit chat. *blah*blah*blah* Then the topic went down to my summer classes. I said, “you know what mom, it’s good that i get to experience this kind of classes”. She replied, “why was that”? “I get to see what i did wrong with the semesters that i already had. With this kind of course(architecture), there’s no room for laziness. Some of my classmates don’t do their work on time (when I said some, I mean majority). They rather have their senseless talks with their seatmates or go down stairs to eat. Some just go home after the attendance had been checked. I mean, do you even know why your here? I remember this instance, two more working days before we pass our first major plate, we are asked to have some research work. A guy picked up his fone, called this person and said “could you do me a favor? Please make some research paper for me, and Oh for my pal too. I’ll just pay you later ok?” First of all, we are not in a real job yet in fact we are still in college. Then here you are, askin a friend to do your work as if you are a boss. Don’t blame others if you won’t have a single page of it just because you haven’t have enough time to do so.


This realization for me should have hit me earlier. If it only did, I’m definitely not having this classes. It’s like seeing myself in his persona (my classmate). Not that I pay people to do my work but in a way that I don’t prioritze things yet. I’d rather do other stuff than my own assignments. In the end, i get too tired that I won’t pick up my pen and start inking my plan. The next morning you wake up, stressed out because you haven’t done a thing yet and the deadline for submission is today. Yep, that’s how my life is sometimes. In regular days of classes, you see some of those students who have no apparent thread of exhaustion despite of a very tiring night the night before. They as bubbly as always and can still joke around. Their secret, enjoy things. Don’t treat your work as a burden but rather as an enjoyment or an outlet of creativity. In that way, you’ll find yourself actually striving even harder and see things as a competion. Competitive in a good way. You’ll have this vision of beeing on top yet foot planted on the ground. So if you’re feeling so down bout failure, just look on the people who actually failed then look at yourself. Make it a motivation that you can’t fall flat on the floor like them. 

I may not be at the top of my class. I’m more than guilty to admit that I’ve had so many attempts to back out on this course (this cursed course) and at the end of the day, realization comes and slaps you on the face. You don’t have a lifetime to spend attending a university. But there’s one thing that I always keep in mind, failure won’t be my end. Yet, it is my beginning. Do I sound too deep again? Oh gosh… Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! HeHeHe! Ok. See ya laterzzz…