Archive for May 14, 2007


This happens to be the first blog site that I put up. (Hey World wish me luck that this won’t be a big flop!) I just thought of why not putting up my own e-DIARY. Basically, this will contain my thoughts, ideas, harsh critics perhaps, the things that I enjoy doing, people that I hate and love, problems, stress, etc. I may not be a celebrity but this is my way of sharing my life story to the rest of the world… so whole wide world, watch out… here i come…

I just had my first ever blog, entitled “first things first”and it’s about my first time voting on a nationwide election and my personal opinion on some unworthy politicians wannabe… Excited that I was, I forgot to introduce myself so if you want to know some tidbits bout moi, see the “ABOUT” section, or visit my friendster account :

Hope to hear from you guys! ciao for now! 

first things first…

May 14, 2007 sure is a date to remember from now on… in the future this date will be history but for now let me savor this moment… *deep breath* whew! ok let the bloggin begin…

As what it says in the title of the blog of yours truly “moi”, since this is the first one let me discuss some of my firsts… some actually just happened this morning. I just had my first taste of my right for suffrage… yep! i’m officially exercising my right as a citizen of my beloved mother land, the pearl of the orient seas (hopefully they won’t consider stripping that title from my country until the day of my last breath), the Philippines…

It sucks that the election day started off with some not so good news… Apparently, some barbaric politicians can’t keep their hands off of ridicolously stupid measures just to assure their victory… Dirty as it is, nothing’s new in the Philippine scene of national elections. Just a reminder, this is my own personal view… I can’t say I’m more of this side than the other, all I can say is that it’s practically stupid to vote staight of one particular party if your not full heartedly satisfied of the people on the list.

Anyways, going back to my first election… I went with my mom so I won’t be like “where the hell should I go?”, because i see people getting lost looking for their names on the list per pricinct both on TV and here. hehehe! We went to San Isidro Elementary School to vote. My dad went earlier than my mom and I so he just told us where are we supposed to vote. So there we were in the room and the whole process was a breeze. Finally I got my first ever indelible ink stain on my finger… It’s kindda cute because I just had a dot of it not like my mom’s. Her’s a bit messy… I just can’t help it i took some quick shots of my stained finger. hehehe! There it is, fruit of thy excitement… Good for me, I did cut my finger nails or else it could have looked quite crappy…

Since it’s the election day today, definitley its on TV. Not only the polls and the obvious weather are in heat.TV Network wars are too… It’s a senseless rivalry but oh well, people are into it. Now that’s a whole lot different story so let’s just try to focus on their news and public affairs shows. Crediblity wise, am gonna keep my mouth shut on that coz I don’t want to be bias. But I’m sure they’re going to do the best they could. I just hope it would be clean and fair. (pls. see the video at the end of the blog…entertaining)

Well of course another first for this day is this blog, so… yey ME!!! hehehe! Looking forward on keeping this up and hopefully people who’ll read this in the future could share some comments if there’s any and I’m hoping for new set of friends… I’ll be more than appreciative to hear some words from you guys out there. Positive as well as negative ones are very much welcome… Also, askin things bout moi is pretty much encouraged though I’m gonna share you bit by bit as time progress. Yeoj’s Fragile Mind isn’t gonna be all about me. It’s about anything under the sun on MY perspective as well as YOURS…

Ciao for now PEEPZ… yeoj here signin out foh da first time…